Each Month We Feature An Artist That Inspire Us.
Name: Diego Della Posta
Location: Rome, Italy
Mixed media: painting, illustration, and graphic design
Social Media: Instagram: @misterthoms Behance: Thoms
Website: http://www.thoms.it/
1. If you could meet any artist (past/present) who would it be? And why?
I would have loved to meet Federico Fellini, maybe even make the poster of some of his films, work with him and learn the magic of cinema with his extraordinary ability to turn dreams into reality.
2. Did your childhood environment have any influence on your creativity?
Definitely yes ... as a child I spent a lot of time playing video games and reading comics
I believe that today much of my style has been influenced by all that dreamlike and imaginative imagery.
3. Do you have any tips or inspiring words for others?
I am convinced that the best thing we can teach others is precisely what we are still learning.
4. What does "being creative" mean to you?
In my opinion, being creative means simply respecting the nature of who we really are in the depths of our being, that is, of the "Creators".
5. On a lighter note what Muppet character best fits your personality? And why?
Definitely "Animal" precisely because I believe it is the most stupid of all but also the most cultured Renoir! Renoir!