Each Month We Feature An Artist That Inpire Us.
This month it "Thomas “Detour” Evans" | Denver, Co. | Medium - Acrylic
Facebook: facebook.com/iamdetour, Instagram: @detour303,
Twitter: @iamdetour303
1. If you could meet any artist (past/present) who would it be? And why?
If I could meet any artist, I would meet one of my biggest inspirations, Kehinde Wiley. I think his work is truly exceptional and he knows how to maneuver in the art game. I can definitely take some lessons from him about growing my art.
2. Did your childhood environment have any influence on your creative?
I was a military brat so my childhood was spent moving a lot. It forced me to learn and explore new environments. I was grateful to have a friend and influence of many backgrounds because I use them all in my art today. Every community I was involved with has a little piece they can claim in my art.
3. Do you have any tips or inspiring words for others?
I think the best advice I can give is for your passion in the art world. Not everybody is a painter or a sculptor or photographer. You have to follow your passion and not trends. Once you find your "thing” you have to work hard at being the best at it. Know it better than anyone else.
4. What does “being creative” mean to you?
Being creative mean that I have freedom of expression to explore any idea. I have the freedom to chop & screw idea, build on top of other ideas, or create something totally unheard of.
5. On a lighter note what Muppet character best fits your personality? And why?
I would say cookie monster. Mainly because I love Subway cookies bro!