Each Month We Feature An Artist That Inspire Us.
This month it CHRIS B. MURRAY | Philadelphia, PA | Mixed media (Illustrator)
Facebook: CHRIS B. MURRAY Instagram: chrisbmurray
Twitter: ChrisBMurray Behance: CBMArtworks
1. If you could meet any artist (past/present) who would it be? And why?
Probably Norman Rockwell...he's the one I studied the most growing up. Still, living today, way too many to list.

2. Did your childhood environment have any influence on your creative? Absolutely! I grew up in a small town in upstate NY where it was very cold and very little going on. So I more or less created my own worlds. I always say that's what helped grow my creativity.

3. Do you have any tips or inspiring words for others?
Work hard, be professional and be kind and accepting to others!
Just the basis of living happily.

5. On a lighter note what Muppet character best fits your personality? And why?
I'd say I'm a mix between Gonzo and Kermit haha. A spaz at times but gets down to business when needed.